

I began Creating Mindful Lives because I am passionate about bringing mindfulness and meditation to anyone looking to improve their mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing for a better quality of life.

Mindfulness – the act of mentally focusing on the present moment in a non-judgemental way, improved my life in so many ways I can understand why it is fast becoming the go to solution used by therapists, health professionals and business organisations around the world working with trauma, as its practice has been scientifically proven to increase mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing.

As a professionally trained Mindfulness Facilitator, Registered Meditation Teacher and Counsellor, I have created a suite of Business Services and Personal learning programs and workshops that are both purposeful and flexible.  They are designed to offer the most beneficial tools for skill-building within efficient time frames so you can easily integrate mindfulness and meditation into your life. An approach recommended and underpinned by current scientific research and documented evidence.

Our brains require evidence to believe something works and it was evident very quickly to me, my peers and others I have instructed, just how powerful the diverse range of meditation and mindfulness tools are in liberating our mindset, helping us self-regulate and diffuse our emotions. Combine this with increased awareness, clarity and understanding the practice also offers, and it is not surprising that it increases our happiness and our capacity for healthy decision making, all leading to a better quality of life. 

I am continually amazed and grateful for the positive effects of mindfulness.  The variety of this meditative technique is so adaptive and easy to include in daily life to gain positive, long-lasting results when compared to other therapies/psychological self-help tools and techniques, which can seem unrealistic and unachievable when we are already depleted or overwhelmed by challenges in life.


For me, creating my mindful life has been a lifesaver and my vision is to offer the knowledge and the knowhow of this invaluable skill set to you so you can create your own mindful life and witness the benefits for yourself.

The qualifications I have that enable me to bring this to you are:

  • Certified Registered Meditation Teacher with Meditation Association of Australia
  • Certificate in Meditation Teacher Training – Sydney Institute of Meditation 
  • Certificate in Facilitation of Mindfulness for Parents – Peaceful Kids/Wellbeing for Kids Pty Ltd
  • Certificate in Facilitation of Mindfulness for Kids and Advanced Kids/Classrooms – Peaceful Kids/Wellbeing for Kids Pty Ltd
  • Certificate in Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Children – Peaceful Kids/Wellbeing for Kids Pty Ltd
  • Diploma in Community Welfare Specialising in Counselling – Tafe SA/Bower Place Family Therapy Centre, Adelaide
  • Accredited Certification in Mental Health First Aid