Services for Business

KEYNOTE SESSION – Embracing Change for Yourself  

Would you like to support your staff experiencing work-life stress or organisational change in a way that will have lasting positive benefit and cohesion? Then contact me to discuss how my Keynote Session could support the success of your business or organisation.

My Keynote Session Will Deliver:

  • Increased awareness of the psychology behind common reasons why change is perceived as threatening.
  • Increased awareness of the impact on mindset and creativity of diminished versus growth mindset.
  • Increased awareness of how fixed beliefs and views about our work life can impact essential ingredients for a healthy and happy relationship to self and others.
  • Instruction on how to reframe perception of obstacles and change from foe to friend.
  • Increased awareness of the neuroscientific evidence supporting meditation and mindfulness as effective skills for life and change management.
  • Increased awareness on how to maintain growth mindset through a healthy lifestyle including nutrition, sleep, exercise and support from an allied health care professional where appropriate.
  • 2 x Experiential demonstrations with participants to engage in basic and reframing practice and embed applied skillset.
  • Opportunity for clarification and feedback.

Cost: Minimum $250.00 for 1.5hour Session (dependent on timeframe and travel)

CONTACT ME NOW to discuss how I can best deliver for you.

Priority Focusing for Leaders

If you are feeling over-taxed, stressed and in need of some fresh ways to help you focus on your priorities, then contact me to find out how my meditation and guided visualization techniques could re-invent your strategizing process and offer you calm clarity and inspiration in minutes.

CONTACT ME NOW to book an appointment.

Mindful Colleague Connections

Are you looking for some ways to introduce everyday mindfulness activities into your workplace so your staff can gain valuable skills and enjoy themselves at the same time?

The benefits of mindfulness occur with regular practice and what better way to show your staff that they are valued than by giving them opportunities and tools to look after themselves?

Also on offer are tools that will give you informative and creative ways to upskill and engage your staff before group or Departmental meetings.

A happy workplace begins with each individual and learning valuable and simple self-care tools will improve creativity, engagement, productivity and satisfaction.

Let me solve some of these problems for you with simple solutions and a range of activities that can be tailored to suit your individual workplace needs.

Cost: $120 per hour (travel costs additional depending on location)

CONTACT ME NOW to book an appointment. 

Creating The Space

Make more use of idle meeting rooms by dedicating them for meditation and mindfulness and create a happy and healthy environment to benefit everyone.

Available at a special discounted price if signing up for the 4-Week Meditation and Mindfulness Program

OR separately on a consultation basis.

Cost:  $120 per hour (travel costs additional depending on location)

Creating dedicated spaces will encourage regular meditation and mindfulness practice with buddies or groups motivating each other and finding new and positive ways to connect.  Just like exercise, regular meditation practice also brings the increased health benefits of higher levels of mental and emotional stability, resilience and focus.

CONTACT ME NOW to book an appointment.