Programs for Individuals


This is for you if you are feeling overwhelmed in any area of your life and wondering if you will ever get your mojo or your joy back again

The Program Contains:

  • Self-paced online course of meditation techniques
  • Free downloadable Meditation Guide and written accompaniment detailing mindfulness meditations, desensitizing exposure technique and the health benefits that are delivered immediately and increasingly to you with regular practice.
  • 4 video meditations including mindfulness and a desensitization technique.
  • 1 video guided meditation to assist with pain and how to focus on what your body is telling you.
  • 1 video guided visualization of Metaphor Therapy to reveal how your imagination can be used to empower you in life.

COST:  $249.00

As a fundamental pillar of creating a mindful life, this program is foundational to all other services and workshops that I can offer to invite you to embrace mindfulness, holistic health and wellbeing as a central tenet of your life. The Mindful Focus Program will guide you through how to centre yourself and focus your mind to find calm clarity within to help you understand your life, patterns and ill health and assist you to control and transform your obstacles and positively work toward creating a mindful life.

This program is a union of practical instruction and training together with transformative meditation and self-awareness tools to help you understand and overcome what is preventing you from creating a better life for yourself.  Knowing how to centre yourself effectively is the key to unlocking your potential.  Mindful living is transforming ‘weaknesses’ into skill-gaps that you can rectify with mindful focusing tools to bring you home to your true strengths, self-belief and empowerment to create the life you want.

Now is your chance to learn how by embracing some simple techniques, you can quickly improve your life, get moving and get free of old negative patterns and pressures.

Have the quality of life you will love.

Register Now for the Mindful Focus Program and gain immediate access to the materials below that will guide you in how to achieve life transformation with mindful focus and self-awareness. You can open up a world of possibilities for yourself by taking a step toward the life you want for yourself today!